Oh Yes. The 70's are alive and well in our current reno. The dark trim...wonderful lighting choices, and the brick...oh the brick. It is EVERYWHERE. Like...
and Here. :)
So.....yeah...we have alot of brick. We've debated a few options.
Keep it. Paint it. or... rehab is somehow, someway.
I've done some research...and Im thinking we are going to try this product called..
Brick-A-New. Has anyone used this before? Apparently its amazing...and transforms the look of a dated
fireplace. I am ALL about THAT!
Here are some Brick-Anew Fireplaces.
The pictures above are from the Brick-A-New Website of a customer testimonial. How neat is that
transformation? Sooo much better.
This is the kit you purchase ...
I'm hooked. Can't wait to share the changes!
Living the Blessed Life,